Performs two sample Z-test to compare the ratio metrics between two groups using the delta method. The Delta method is used to estimate the variance by accounting for the correlation between the numerator and denominator of ratio metrics.
- data
data.frame containing the numerator and denominator columns of the ratio metric, aggregated by randomization unit. It also includes a column indicating the assigned group (control or treatment). For example, if randomizing by user while the metric is click-through rate (CTR) per page-view, the numerator is the number of clicks per user, and the denominator is the number of page views per user.
- formula
expression representing the ratio metric. It can be written in three styles: standard formula
x/y ~ group
, lambda formula~ x/y
, or NSE expressionx/y
.- by
character string or symbol that indicates the group column. If the group column is specified in the
argument, it is not required.- group_names
character vector of length 2 or
. It specifies which of the two strings contained in the group column is the control group and which is the treatment group. The first string is considered the control group, and the second string is considered the treatment group. If"auto"
is specified, it is interpreted as specifying the strings in the group column sorted in lexicographical order. The default is"auto"
.- type
character string specifying the test type. If
(default), the hypothesis test evaluates the difference in means of the ratio metric between two groups. If"relative_change"
, it evaluates the relative change \((\mu_2 - \mu_1) / \mu_1\) instead. You can specify just the initial letter.- bias_correction
logical value indicating whether correction to the mean of the metric is performed using the second-order term of the Taylor expansion. The default is
.- alternative
character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of
, or"less"
. You can specify just the initial letter.- conf.level
numeric value specifying the confidence level of the interval. The default is 0.95.
- na.rm
logical value. If
, rows containing NA values in the data will be excluded from the analysis. The default isFALSE
.- quiet
logical value indicating whether messages should be displayed during the execution of the function. The default is
A list with class "htest"
containing following components:
- statistic
the value of the Z-statistic.
- p.value
the p-value for the test.
a confidence interval for the difference or relative change appropriate to the specified alternative hypothesis.
- estimate
the estimated means of the two groups, and the difference or relative change.
- null.value
the hypothesized value of the difference or relative change in means under the null hypothesis.
- stderr
the standard error of the difference or relative change.
- alternative
a character string describing the alternative hypothesis.
- method
a character string describing the method used.
the name of the data.
Deng, A., Knoblich, U., & Lu, J. (2018). Applying the Delta Method in Metric Analytics: A Practical Guide with Novel Ideas. Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. doi:10.1145/3219819.3219919
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
n_user <- 2000
df <- deltatest::generate_dummy_data(n_user) |>
group_by(user_id, group) |>
summarise(click = sum(metric), pageview = n(), .groups = "drop")
deltatest(df, click / pageview, by = group)
#> control: 0, treatment: 1
#> Two Sample Z-test Using the Delta Method
#> data: click/pageview by group
#> Z = 0.31437, p-value = 0.7532
#> alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between control and treatment is not equal to 0
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> -0.01410593 0.01949536
#> sample estimates:
#> mean in control mean in treatment difference
#> 0.245959325 0.248654038 0.002694713